Nienke reads CX is a pilgrimage

Strategy 11: Planning some white space

Strategy 11, planning some white space, is the first chapter of cluster 3: ‘Preparation is key’. It’s hard to stick to your bigger goals and to stay creative, if your calendar is fully booked with meetings from early morning to late afternoon. You lack time for planning the future, for strategy and things that might just come along.

In this video you’ll learn why you must have white space in your calendar.

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.