Big magic in customer experience

The book “Eat, Pray, Love” was one of my favorites. I could see myself eating pizza in Naples, working on my Yoga flexibility in India and of course enjoying love on Bali (who can’t?!). This week I had the pleasure of reading her newest book “Big Magic, create living beyond fear”. WOWW.

Right away I saw the parallel with my profession Customer Experience. Elizabeth takes us along in her world of creativity. As a writer and artist, she knows her ways. This book is about how to cherish creativity and yes, live beyond fear.

That is exactly what I often see in organizations. Fear of customers. Fear of failing. Fear of fear. That doesn’t help one bit. Yes, it helps. It helps us down the drain. Fear is a bad advisor. Fear is an awful speaker. Fear is a disastrous coach. So. How to get over Fear?

Elizabeth has a solution. She says: “Keep moving, keep going. Whatever you do, try not to dwell too long on your failures.” Every time she wrote a story, if it was a success or a failure, she kept going. Back to her words and write more. Or maybe do something else, like gardening, to get creativity flowing. But keep DOING. In movement things happen. Not in planning things, talking about things, but while doing things.

Your life is short and rare and amazing and miraculous, and you want to do really interesting things and make really interesting things while you’re still here.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic is an easy read and I love the light words she uses to approach the theme. But she is also honest. She talks about Courage, Enchantment, Persistence and Trust. Let’s be honest, all these are needed to work in Customer Experience. It isn’t easy, but it is your job. Your calling. Your way of living. Make the best of it. Fail and keep going, have success and keep going. That is the only way to go. You will be fine.

Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert for your inspiration. Now it is time to get back to work. Doing my thing: Making customer experience work!