Artikelen door Nienke Bloem

Strategy 18: Stick to the plan

Strategy 18: Stick to the plan. I notice that a lot of organizations are constantly altering their plans. Which is perfectly fine when there is a different goal or a real change of plan. But what I mean is that plans are just being tweaked for the sake of being tweaked, talked about, checked with […]


Ach, het is zomer. Dan zijn wij als klanten allemaal in een geweldig humeur. We gaan op vakantie en laten het beste van onszelf zien. Toch?! Of niet… Ik kreeg deze reviews van een gids die ons ruim acht jaar geleden heeft rondgeleid op Jamaica en moet lachen en huilen tegelijkertijd. Wat zijn wij mensen […]

Strategy 17: Mark your results

Mark your results, that’s what strategy 17 is all about. Pilgrims mark their results in a credential. And as a pilgrim, every evening I also wrote little summary of the day in my notebook. When I ask CX managers or fellow leaders about their milestones or whether they marked their results, they often remain silent. […]

Strategy 16: Check if you are on track

Strategy 16: Check if you are on track. While walking my pilgrimage I experienced it is key to keep an eye if I was on the right path. Sometimes I got lost and no, that is not what you want as a pilgrim, because those are many extra kilometers to walk. The same goes for […]

Stategy 15: Out of office

You must be clear: when you are out of office, you are away. Don’t take your laptop to the beach, to answer mails and other stuff, while you could be reading a book, swimming or playing with your kids. Out of office is out of office, remember that. I’ll explain this important strategy for your […]

Strategy 14: Travel light

Travel light is a great strategy, not just for walking a pilgrimage but just as much for life, and for your CX leadership. I know from experience that the less you carry, the easier the journey is. The same goes for leadership: don’t get too many monkeys on your shoulder. Especially not other people’s monkeys… […]

Strategy 13: Get the right gear

Get the right gear, strategy 13. But how to find and finally choose what you need from all that’s on offer? Be prepared when you go out for advice, and know what your requirements are. Whether you go out for a backpack or a new CX journey mapping tool. Have your checklist ready: what’s important […]

Strategy 12: Learn from others

You don’t know what you don’t know. Right?! That’s what strategy 12 is about. It is time to learn from others. Make sure you get inspiration. Browse the internet, read books, listen to podcasts, etc. And more important: find people who can tell you stories on the HOW of customer experience management. I read aloud […]

Strategy 11: Planning some white space

Strategy 11, planning some white space, is the first chapter of cluster 3: ‘Preparation is key’. It’s hard to stick to your bigger goals and to stay creative, if your calendar is fully booked with meetings from early morning to late afternoon. You lack time for planning the future, for strategy and things that might […]

Strategy 10: Prepare for rainy days

Prepare for rainy days! Is that a strategy? Yes, number 10 to be exact. In CX we often outline the ideal situation. A great goal to work towards, butif things go wrong? How do you cope with setbacks? Being prepared for worst case scenarios is your lifeline. In this video you will learn how to […]