Contact us
Would you like to book Nienke for a keynote presentation, masterclass or workshop? Or do you have other ideas that you want to discuss? There are plenty of possibilities, so please let us know. Should you have a special request, a specific date or special wishes, please feel free to mention this in your request.
Team Bloem will always contact you within a few hours on working days. Let’s talk soon!
T: +31 (0) 6 2221 6210
E: [email protected]
Fill in the contact form
Team Bloem
I don't run my business alone, of course. I do so together with two amazing VAs: Graciela Duran and Daniëlla van Valen. In addition, Irene Duinhoven helps me create content. I am happy to introduce them to you.
Graciela Duran
Graciela makes sure that absolutely everything in our daily business runs smoothly. She is usually your first point of contact and a hero at planning and organising.
Daniela van Valen
Daniëlla takes care of administration and a variety of individual projects. Daniëlla is great at testing and implementing new technical tools.
Irene Duinhoven
Irene looks at my company through creative eyes. She is my sparring partner when it comes to content and translates my thoughts into texts.