You and all your employees make the difference to your customers every day. In call centers, shops, as a delivery driver, mechanic, manager and of course through online channels. Processes, systems and procedures are not always easy for employees. Yet, they are capable of more than they think, which is where Nienke Bloem comes in.
Yes, it ís your job!
Nienke empowers employees. She doesn't shy away from difficult subjects and touches on sore points with a sense of humor. With recognizable examples and both great and horrible cases, she makes everyone think. But most of all, she encourages you to take action. She will provide five suggestions, so that everyone can take action. Your employees will choose one that they can put into practice tomorrow.
What will this keynote presentation bring you? Employees will complain less and use WhatsApp less during their customer contacts. They will act in a more proactive way and the atmosphere in the department will improve significantly. Her promise: customers are fun!
After this keynote
- Do you understand the principles of Customer Experience, based on the ACE strategy.
- Have you laughed at the mistakes other organizations have made and do you know how to prevent the same mistakes from being made in your organization.
- Put one of Nienke's suggestions into practice tomorrow. This will make you and your customers happier!
Quote from her audience:
"I got good ideas during the presentation, which are practical to implement."
Quote from her audience:
"I got good ideas during the presentation, which are practical to implement."
Why choose Nienke Bloem as speaker?
Nienke is an expert Customer Experience speaker on national and international stages. She also has extensive experience as a leader in Customer Experience. Because of her many years of organizational and management experience, she understands the dynamics of large organizations and speaks their language.
Nienke prepares her presentations thoroughly and attunes them seamlessly to the theme of your meeting. Her presentation is therefore always relevant and to the point. No boring management talk, but proven methodologies that appeal to the imagination. Nienke inspires her audience to actually put words into practice. It’s no surprise that she receives high ratings from her audience and her clients.
Are you thinking about such a keynote presentation for your meeting? Let Nienke share her ideas with you. Call or email her to find out what she can do for your organization.