Tag Archief van: customer experience

How much does it cost to go on a pilgrimage? And what is the link with budgeting your CX projects as a CX leader? Budgeting might not be your favorite part of your role, but money is required to bring in results.

Watch this video about strategy 8: budgeting. And you’ll find it out it’s less difficult than you think!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Many CX leaders find it difficult to get boardroom involvement and support. How to go about? In my time as a CX leader at KPN, I wish I had known what I know now, ten years later: what the C-suite and those that live in the boardroom hate, are risks…

So, mitigate them. That’s what strategy number 7 is about!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

When it comes to customer experience, should you start by interviewing customers and sending out surveys? Or should you start by mapping customer journeys and then interview customers? Or ..?

In this video you’ll explore that many roads lead to Rome. But which road to take? Where to start? That’s what strategy 5 is about. Check it out!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

We starten de CX inspiratiedag bij Starbucks. Samen met acht Customer Experience leiders bij de overheid, krijgen we vandaag bij drie bedrijven een kijkje achter de schermen hoe ze klantbeleving organiseren.

Terwijl iedereen binnendruppelt, sta ik samen met Robin in de rij voor koffie bij Starbucks. We schuiven langzaam op en dan kunnen we voor vijf mensen koffie bestellen.

‘Twee americano’s, een haver latte en twee cappuccino’s alsjeblieft.’ De mannelijke barista kijkt me aan en vraagt ‘Welke naam kan ik op de bekers schrijven?’ Naast hem staat een vrouwelijke collega met een stift in de aanslag. Ik overdenk even wie welke koffie had besteld, want hoe leuk is het als iedereen zijn eigen naam op de beker heeft? Ik zie een wat smekende blik en besef dat het vandaag helemaal niet de bedoeling is dat er verschillende namen op de beker komen.

In een split second besluit ik daar geen halszaak van te maken. Want het is spitsuur op station Utrecht Centraal bij deze Starbucks en volgens mij heeft hij er geen baksteen zin in. Nee, deze man wil ons zo snel mogelijk bij die balie vandaan hebben. Dus ik kijk naar Robin en besef dat zijn naam makkelijker is, dan Nienke op elke beker te moeten schrijven, dus ik zeg ‘Doe maar Robin.’

Hij kijkt zijn collega met de stift in de hand aan, ziet de vijf bekers staan en heeft in een halve seconde een nog makkelijkere oplossing. ‘Mag het ook Rob zijn?’ Ik kijk Robin aan, we geven elkaar snel een knipoog – hopelijk ongezien voor de barista – en met een zucht zeg ik dat dat okay is.

Terwijl hij opgelucht op de kassa iets aanslaat, ziet hij dat hij cash heeft aangeslagen in plaats van betalen met een kaart en de bestelling mag opnieuw. Ik bedenk dat dit zijn straf door het universum is, want Robin heet Robin. Geen Rob. En eigenlijk zijn deze koffies voor Robert, Anke, Marieke, Nienke én Robin. Niet voor vijf Robs.

Bij het afrekenen is het de tweede keer ook nog eens ruim twee euro goedkoper. Dus nu we allemaal Rob heten, is het leven er meteen goedkoper op geworden. Ik moet een beetje lachen.

Ook al baal ik ervan, want ik heb een CX inspiratiedag georganiseerd en daarom wil ik graag dat het voor mijn gasten persoonlijk is. Ach, inspiratie haal je ook uit de worst practices, gaat er door me heen.

We gaan er bij zitten, wachtend op de koffies voor Rob. Een drietal minuten later zijn onze koffies klaar. ‘Ik heb hier de koffies voor Robin!’ roept de barista met de stift. Haha. Ze heeft haar collega knetterhard gedist, maar een goede klantbeleving is het niet.


Dit blog werd geschreven voor CustomerFirst en gepubliceerd op 6 juni 2023

Geen blog meer missen? Schrijf je in voor mijn maandelijkse CX Greetz!

Giant goals can stimulate you to go forward, but they can also freeze you. They excite and frighten you at the same time, because where to start? What should your first step be?

Let me show you how to do this. Watch this video about creating doable chunks. Yes, this is the 4th strategy!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

In this episode of CX Leadership Talks, Nienke Bloem interviews Edwin Koot, Manager Customer Experience & Analytics bij Allianz Benelux who shares his insights on Customer Experience Management. 

It is the honest story of how he stepped out of his comfort zone and spiced up his leadership. It is a great conversation on Voice of the Customer, ROI and how to engage leaders in organizations. 

If you want to learn more about CX leadership or have any questions about CX, contact Nienke. She is the CX leadership expert and can provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed in CX Leadership.

Listen to this episode

Strategy 3 is: set a BHAG. This really helps you to transform and to become the leader you wish to be. Dare to aim for something big, by setting your BHAG.

Don’t know yet or don’t even know what a BHAG is? Then surely listen to chapter 3 and get inspired!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Hi dear Listener, over the years I have learned that not many CX leaders believe they are a CX Authority. And if you don’t believe that yourself, what do you expect from others? So time to grow your AUTHORITY!

Exactly what this podcast episode is all about: growing authority as a customer experience leader. Nienke discusses seven key ways to build authority, from developing expertise and sharing good CX stories, to setting high standards and holding yourself and others accountable. It all starts with you and your personal growth!

It is important to build relationships with senior leaders, be associated with professional organizations, and communicate your vision for customer-centric transformation through a compelling CX story. Keep building expertise, investing in education, and sharing customer stories to be recognized as an authority in your organization. Trust me, it’s worth it! 

Enjoy listening to this third episode of the podcast and please let me know if this resonates with you and… if you have questions!

Choose the path of energy. That’s the second strategy on how to spice up your leadership. Whether it is your leadership in private or business, you need to make lots of choices, small and bigger ones. But how to make this easy for yourself? By choosing the path of energy.

If you think ‘huh?’, then find out: listen to chapter 2 now!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

On this second episode of CX Leadership Talks we have two guests, both CX leaders and authors: Aleksandra Pilniak and Friederike Niehoff share their expertise in customer experience (CX) leadership. They discuss insights out their brilliant book “Why your customer experience program will fail and 7 proven ways to avoid it”

For example the importance of appreciation and injecting fun into the workplace and the episode highlights the pitfalls in CX strategy and concrete tips to improve it. Organizational culture is seen as crucial for a successful CX program, and the guests emphasize the importance of understanding it before attempting to change it. The episode also touches on the importance of self-appreciation, engaging with customers effectively, and using a maturity assessment to confront individuals on their customer-centricity.

Listen in for valuable insights from these two female leaders in Customer Experience Management. Friederike taped this episode while she was in South Africa, with a situation of flickering wifi, this has impacted the sound quality. But we like the episode and conversation so much, that we decided to leave it as it is!

And where to buy their book? Here!