Articles by Nienke Bloem

Strategy 41: When they Zig, you Zag

When they Zig, you Zag. That is what Strategy 41 is all about. Or to put this in my own words: 'Do something different to stand out from the crowd'. Whether in your change program or in personal life, take some time to zoom out and see the broader picture. And more important: think of [...]

Strategy 40: The power of routines

Strategy 40 is about the power of routines. Building a step-by-step routine and tailoring it to your own wishes makes you happier, gets you more things done and makes you feel good and proud. In this video I'll share the secrets of my personal and business routines. I found out that routines do not only work [...]

Strategy 39: When life is full of shit

A crazy poo story. What?! Be welcome to skip this one. But if you want to have a laugh of me putting myself in a shitty situation, this is your go-to video. What do you do if life presents you a shitty situation? In strategy 39 - When life is full of shit - I will [...]

Strategy 38: When fear is fear

When fear is fear; that is what Strategy 38 is about. I am aware that life is life and things could happen. It won't help if I constantly have worrying thoughts. On the contrary, I think you might attract them if you keep thinking of your fears. So, what to do instead? You'll find out [...]

Strategy 37: Beat the fear

Strategy 37 is Beat the Fear. If you don't act due to fear, you are missing out. Make sure you recognize and acknowledge your fears, research them and question if they are real. But most of all: take action. In this video I'll tell you about an Italian lady who was convinced that I needed [...]

Strategy 36: Worry will make your vision blurry

Worry will make your vision blurry: this is strategy 36. And not only will they blur your vision, but they're also a waste of time and drag all the happiness out of your day. Believe me, without all your worrying thoughts you'll have a much more relaxed life. I'd like to share my lessons learned [...]

Strategy 35: The need for authority

When was I truly a pilgrim? When am I truly a good leader? The answer lies in experience: showing your accomplishments gives you credibility. Sometimes titles help as well. Not by showing off all the time - especially not in the Netherlands - but there are circumstances where it is wise to use them. When [...]

Strategy 34: Light a candle

Life is tough sometimes. Not only on yourself, but also on those around you. While walking the pilgrim's path I carried the people important to me in my heart. I showed my care by lighting a candle for those who need some extra care. Keep an eye on and take care of those around you. [...]