
Oh well, it's summer. Then we as customers are all in a great mood. We go on holiday and show the best of ourselves. Nevertheless?! Or not...

I got these reviews from a guide who showed us around Jamaica over eight years ago and has to laugh and cry at the same time. We humans are sometimes a bunch of bastards. These are real reviews that she has received from the tour operator. Long live open feedback that you can get from reviews and surveys.

I've listed the eleven worst ones for you.

1. 'It should be forbidden to sunbathe topless on the beach. My husband was very distracted by that, he just wanted to relax a bit and that didn't work out now.'

2. "We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers. We couldn't understand them because they all spoke Spanish."

3. "The beach was just too sandy. We had to clean and de-sand everything when we got back to our room."

4. "We found that the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as white, but it was more yellow in real life.'

5. "No one told us there would be fish in the water. The fish frightened our children."

6. 'The roads were uneven and bumpy, so we couldn't read the local guidebook on the bus ride to the resort. As a result, we were unaware of many things that would have made our holiday much more enjoyable.'

7. "I compared the size of our one-bedroom suite to that of our three-bedroom friends. And ours was considerably smaller.'

8. "We had to queue outside to catch the boat and there was no air conditioning. That was very disappointing to us.'

9. 'It is your duty as a tour operator to inform us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel.'

10. "My fiancé and I had requested twin beds when we booked, but instead we were given a room with a king bed. We hold you and your organization accountable and want to be compensated for the fact that I became pregnant. This wouldn't have happened if you had given us the room we booked."

11. "I've been bitten by a mosquito. There was no mention of mosquitoes in the brochure.'

What should you do if you get this kind of feedback in your own surveys? I would just do nothing. These people deserve zero attention. You wouldn't begrudge these customers to your competitor just yet.


This blog was written for CustomerFirst and published on September 5, 2023

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Nienke Bloem is often called the Customer Experience speaker in the blue dress. 

She's a global CX thought leader, educator and a global keynote speaker who inspires audiences with best practices and proven methodologies. She leads a speaking practice, a CX game company and a training business; she breathes Customer Experiences and is author of two CX books.

Her two-day Customer Experience Masterclass is known as the best program to prepare for your CCXP and she is the go-to person for CX leaders who want to advance their leadership and bring direct results from their Customer Experience transformation programs. Since 2020, she hosts a CX Leadership Masterminds program and helps leaders spice up their leadership and deliver an engaging CX Story including a solid CX Strategy. Besides, she is a modern-day pilgrim and found the parallel with leading customer centric transformations. 

With her over 20 years of corporate experience, she speaks the business language. Her keynotes and education programs in Customer Experience are inspiring and hands-on. She is one of the few Recognized Training Partners of the CXPA and it is her mission to Make Customer Experience Work and help you deliver business results.