Tag Archief van: cx books

How much does it cost to go on a pilgrimage? And what is the link with budgeting your CX projects as a CX leader? Budgeting might not be your favorite part of your role, but money is required to bring in results.

Watch this video about strategy 8: budgeting. And you’ll find it out it’s less difficult than you think!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Many CX leaders find it difficult to get boardroom involvement and support. How to go about? In my time as a CX leader at KPN, I wish I had known what I know now, ten years later: what the C-suite and those that live in the boardroom hate, are risks…

So, mitigate them. That’s what strategy number 7 is about!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Strategy 6: Get buy-in. Who should you engage and get buy-in from, once you have a great idea or plan? And how do you make others just as enthusiastic and excited about your plan as you are?

By creating your personal buy-in strategy. You’ll find the ‘how to’ in this video!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

When it comes to customer experience, should you start by interviewing customers and sending out surveys? Or should you start by mapping customer journeys and then interview customers? Or ..?

In this video you’ll explore that many roads lead to Rome. But which road to take? Where to start? That’s what strategy 5 is about. Check it out!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Giant goals can stimulate you to go forward, but they can also freeze you. They excite and frighten you at the same time, because where to start? What should your first step be?

Let me show you how to do this. Watch this video about creating doable chunks. Yes, this is the 4th strategy!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Strategy 3 is: set a BHAG. This really helps you to transform and to become the leader you wish to be. Dare to aim for something big, by setting your BHAG.

Don’t know yet or don’t even know what a BHAG is? Then surely listen to chapter 3 and get inspired!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

Choose the path of energy. That’s the second strategy on how to spice up your leadership. Whether it is your leadership in private or business, you need to make lots of choices, small and bigger ones. But how to make this easy for yourself? By choosing the path of energy.

If you think ‘huh?’, then find out: listen to chapter 2 now!

I read aloud a chapter every week. Enjoy listening to my book. I do hope that I’ll inspire you to spice up your journey as a business leader, a CX leader, or maybe even as a leader in your personal life. 

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll be notified if another chapter appears! 

Would you rather read my book? You can find it online on Amazon or – in the Netherlands and Belgium – in any bookstore online.

On this second episode of CX Leadership Talks we have two guests, both CX leaders and authors: Aleksandra Pilniak and Friederike Niehoff share their expertise in customer experience (CX) leadership. They discuss insights out their brilliant book “Why your customer experience program will fail and 7 proven ways to avoid it”

For example the importance of appreciation and injecting fun into the workplace and the episode highlights the pitfalls in CX strategy and concrete tips to improve it. Organizational culture is seen as crucial for a successful CX program, and the guests emphasize the importance of understanding it before attempting to change it. The episode also touches on the importance of self-appreciation, engaging with customers effectively, and using a maturity assessment to confront individuals on their customer-centricity.

Listen in for valuable insights from these two female leaders in Customer Experience Management. Friederike taped this episode while she was in South Africa, with a situation of flickering wifi, this has impacted the sound quality. But we like the episode and conversation so much, that we decided to leave it as it is!

And where to buy their book? Here!

Soms lees je een boek dat inslaat als een bom. Een boek dat je aan het denken zet: aan deze woorden wil ik mezelf keer op keer herinneren. Dit boek zou ik af en toe moeten herlezen, nee, elk jaar! The Power of Moments van Dan en Chip Heath is zo’n boek. Het is heel waardevol voor zowel je professionele als persoonlijke leven. Om wat preciezer te zijn: dit boek is een must read voor elke CX-professional.

Vier elementen

The Power of Moments gaat over krachtige momenten: een betekenisvol moment bevat één van de volgende vier elementen:

  • Een moment van verheffing
  • Het laat mensen zelf inzichten krijgen
  • Het maakt je trots of
  • Je maakt een zinvolle verbinding

Natuurlijk kan een krachtig moment meer dan één van de bovenstaande elementen bevatten en zelfs alle vier.

Maar waarom zou jij dit boek moeten lezen? Ik denk dat het je op vier manieren kan helpen.

1. Voor klanten: creëer betekenisvolle momenten in je klantreis

Door mijlpalen in customer journeys te implementeren, maken organisaties échte connectie met hun (positief verraste) klanten. Dat is waar het allemaal om draait: betekenisvolle connecties maken met je klanten en waarde leveren. De beste manier om dit te doen, is door je collega’s dit boek ook te laten lezen en te brainstormen over waar jullie in de klantreis deze betekenisvolle momenten kunnen creëren. Het is een geweldige manier om jullie klantreizen te verbeteren en jullie kunnen zeker zijn van loyale klantambassadeurs. Hier ligt een serieuze taak voor elke CX-professional!

2. Voor transformatieprojecten: inzichten die jullie veranderingsproces ondersteunen

Als we onze manier van werken willen veranderen, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van klantervaring, weten we allemaal dat we ons gedrag en onze cultuur niet in één dag kunnen veranderen. Dit kost tijd. Wat dit boek The Power of Moments duidelijk maakt, is dat je mensen niet in één keer kunt veranderen. Maar door betekenisvolle momenten te creëren in je transformatieprojecten, kun je mensen zeker aanzetten tot ander gedrag. Als je mensen zelf de proef op de som laat nemen, als ze trots zijn op hun werk of bijdrage aan het bedrijf. Neem de tijd om te laten zien dat je om hen geeft en aandacht voor hen hebt. Dit helpt je echt een ​​zinvolle verbinding te maken.

3. Voor je team: vier jullie teamsuccessen

Als er één manier is om teamgeest te creëren, dan is het door betekenisvolle momenten te creëren. Bedenk manieren om de successen van je team te vieren. Vergeet niet een teamlid in het zonnetje te zetten als hij of zij uitstekend werk heeft geleverd, of gewoon wanneer iemand jarig is. Dit betekent niet veel extra werk; neem gewoon de tijd om mensen echt op te merken, om een ​​goed gesprek te voeren. Kortom: door te laten zien dat je om hen geeft, creëer je veel goodwill.

4. Voor jezelf: uw persoonlijke relaties verbeteren

Het spreekt voor zich dat als je de tijd neemt om betekenisvolle momenten in je persoonlijke leven te creëren, je relaties met andere mensen zal verdiepen. Of creëer zelf zo’n moment, zoals ik deed met mijn pelgrimstocht voor mijn 50e verjaardag. Iedereen heeft zinvolle verbindingen nodig, dat is wat ons leven gedenkwaardig en waardevol maakt. Maar dit geldt ook buiten je persoonlijke ‘bubbel’: maak tijd vrij om mensen te begroeten, lach naar mensen die je passeert. Je kunt overal verbindingen leggen.

Als we allemaal ons best doen om betekenisvolle momenten te creëren, zouden we gelukkige en loyale klanten en medewerkers hebben. En niet alleen dat. Ik ben er zeker van  dat we dan van deze planeet voor iedereen een fijnere plek kunnen maken.

Lees je graag inspirerende artikelen en boeken over Customer Experience? Schrijf je dan in voor mijn maandelijkse CX Greetz, waarin ik veel CX-ervaringen, -inspiratie en -lessen met je deel.

The last months I spoke to over twenty CX leaders and most of them were just.. ehm, how to say it…. tired. They were tired of the back to back online team meetings. The lack of seeing team members in person.

So I asked them: “How do you stay inspired?” Most of them had no answer. They did not plan anything for inspiration in their agenda’s. Yes, they were longing for holidays, but that is not what holidays are for.

I think, staying inspired is part of your JOB! That’s why I give you 12 non-CX ideas how to do that.


Oh, The Places You’ll Go – Dr. Seuss
A client gave me this book as a present. And I love it. It’s packed with lots of insights and wit (and Dr. Seuss had plenty of both). With his lively illustrations, inimitable verse, and boundless optimism, Dr. Seuss reassures us that we’re not alone in the maze of life — and that we’ll reach where we need to be eventually! If you need a quick and wonderfully uplifting pick-me-up, this is your book!

Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear – Elisabeth Gilbert
Everyone can unlock Big Magic. Big Magic is about drawing out your inner creative whenever you need. This book is a love letter to the artist inside everyone of us, written in Gilbert’s conversational, no-frills, no-BS style. Whether your goal is to write a book, make a painting, or create music, Big Magic will help you accomplish it. Funny, honest, illuminating, and encouraging, it is a celebration of art on every level.

The 5 second rule – Mel Robbins
The 5 Second Rule promises to teach you how to become confident, break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt, beat fear and uncertainty, and be happier. As big of an ask as that might sound, Robbins more than delivers in this self-help book, which is built on the titular 5 second rule: the five seconds you should take every time you need to push yourself. You might enjoy her TEDx Talk on this subject as well!


Happier with Gretchen Rubin
She is the best-selling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before, wants you to embrace happiness—and she’s got the tools and strategies to help you do it. This engaging podcast, which she cohosts with her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft, is full of practical advice on building habits for happiness into your daily life. Down-to-earth, insightful, and humorous, this podcast will have you on your way to a happier existence in no time: https://gretchenrubin.com/podcasts/

The Life School Podcast with Brooke Castillo
She is very American, but I love her way of thinking and speaking out loud. In this podcast she takes life’s topics, opportunities and struggles and helps making sense of it all. For example, episode 375, where she challenges her listeners to do hard things. Just wat Customer Experience Management is all about… https://thelifecoachschool.com/podcast/

CX Travel Guide met Nienke Bloem
Ja, deze podcast is een Nederlandse versie en net voor de zomervakantie hebben we de 10e editie opgenomen met Kees Klink. Hoe is CX georganiseerd bij PostNL? Alle afleveringen hebben iets speciaals, dus luisteren maar. Je krijgt een kijkje achter de schermen in CX-land. https://kirkmancompany.com/podcasts/

Movies & documentaries

Forrest Gump
A golden oldie, but my all-time favorite movie. A story about a boy that would never succeeds in life. But gets the support and belief by his surroundings and just goes out to life a full and big life. The theme song “Feather Theme song” composed by Alan Silvestri still gives me goose bumps. A feel-good movie, you just want to watch to stop having ‘bad thoughts’ and get out there and do what you have to do.

Inside Out
A 2015 American computer-animated film by Pixar. A great film to learn about emotions. The film is set in the mind of a young girl named Riley, where five personified emotions—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust—try to lead her through life as she and her parents adjust to their new surroundings after moving from Minnesota to San Francisco.Maybe something to watch with your team or management colleagues. And to later ask “what emotions are our customers having at what moment in the customer journey?”

Seven days out
A documentary series on Netflix, where they film event seven days before they take place. From a Chanel fashion show to a dog show. Where I recommend you watch the episode Eleven Madison Park. As I always say “great customer experiences don’t happen by accident”, that is exactly what this business owner of the best restaurant of the world breaths. Watch is and be inspired, because it will question your vision on CX and will inspire you to spice it up.

Three things to go do

Yes. Go to a museum. Just as I did; you could see this in the video. Be inspired by great exhibitions, paintings, sculptures. By the way museums make you feel, the way they present stories. Buy artifacts in the museum shop and use these in your CX practice. Go with a leader or your team. Have a discussion later of what can be used in your CX practice or in your story telling. Don’t forget to take pictures of what inspired you: always good to use in presentations later.

Every city has a library. You know that great building full of books? In the city of Utrecht they just opened a new central library and it is just gorgeous. The atmosphere makes me feel calm instantly and I just like to take books out of shelves. Sometimes having a question in mind and having fate answer it. I once did a Random Book Club session with Marieke van Dam and was amazed what inspiration you can get out of ANY book. Yes, you can search for business, management or CX books. But also try soul searching, biology, or even children’s books. So much fun to just spend an hour or two in your library. Or one in a different city ?. I promise you, inspiration guaranteed!

Take a guided walking tour in any city
It is fabulous to go to a city and book a guided walking tour. I remember a walking tour I did in 2020 in Amsterdam. My tour guide was one of the best bakers of the Netherlands. He told me so much about the city, the buildings, but also his life. He even took me behind the scenes in the Waldorf Astoria and told me how to make the best croquets. What a fabulous experience! A guided tour always brings you new insights. And never forget to listen how guides share their stories. They know their facts, but the really good ones know how to deliver their stories and make them stick. They make sure you see the city through their eyes and you will remember elements of their stories, because they framed them. Just like a good CX Story should be. Like I can never pass the Vijzelgracht, without going for a croquet and saying hi! to Cees.

I went out on a 3-day inspiration adventure myself. I recorded a video in which I tell you about this inspiration adventure and in which I give you ideas how to stay inspired. My best suggestion is to plan inspiration time in your agenda. REALLY! Enjoy the ideas and let me know what worked for you.